You know, that NBA, my grandson loves to watch it. Skinny boys jumping around, and I don’t get it. But he keeps talking about these big guys, so I asked him, “who weighs the most in the NBA?” He told me some names, and I’m gonna tell you all about it.

These boys, they are big! Bigger than our pig back home, that’s for sure. And they run and jump, it’s a sight to see, I tell ya. My grandson, he’s glued to that TV screen, yelling and hollering. I asked him about the heaviest one, and it’s all I heard about for days!
One fella, he’s called Oliver Miller. Now that’s a name I can remember. My grandson says he was the heaviest NBA player ever. Can you believe it? He said this Oliver, he started around 280 pounds. That’s already bigger than our neighbor, Big Jim, and he’s a big boy! But this Oliver, he just kept getting bigger, all the way to 380 pounds, maybe even 375 pounds at one point! Lord have mercy, that’s a lot of weight. That’s the most massive one, my grandson says.
He was 6’9, which is way taller than our barn door. Imagine that, 6 foot 9 and over 300 pounds! Must have eaten a whole lot of potatoes. My grandson kept showing me pictures on that little phone of his. He says Oliver was a heavy NBA player, and I believe it!
- Oliver Miller, heaviest ever, 375 or 380 pounds!
- He was 6’9, super tall!
- He started at 280 pounds, still a big boy!
Then there’s another one, a foreign name, Gheorghe Muresan. That’s a mouthful, ain’t it? My grandson says he’s famous for being tall. The tallest NBA player ever, he says. And he weighs 302 pounds, about 137 of them kilo-somethings. I don’t know about those kilo-things, but 302 pounds is a heavy load, that’s for sure. Imagine trying to find clothes that fit! They don’t sell those sizes down at the general store, I can tell you that much.
Another tall one my grandson mentioned, Boban Marjanovic, another name I can’t pronounce. A Serbian, my grandson says. He weighs 290 pounds, over 130 of those kilo things. I guess they like them big over there in Serbia. He says this Boban is also one of the heaviest NBA players, not as big as Oliver, but still huge. He is also one of the heaviest NBA players ever.

My grandson says there’s a whole list of these heavy NBA players, the 15 heaviest NBA players ever, or something like that. Seems like they’ve had some real big boys playing this game. He says these big fellas bring a lot of, what did he call it? “Massive weight” to the game. I guess that means they’re hard to move around. Like trying to push a stubborn mule, I reckon.
I still don’t understand the game much. They bounce that ball, throw it in a hoop, run back and forth. Seems like a lot of work. But those big boys, they sure are something else. I never seen such big people, especially the heaviest one, Oliver Miller. The NBA’s heaviest player. That’s just amazing to me.
I asked my grandson, “Why are they so big?” He says they need to be big to play the game. I guess it takes a lot of muscle to push those other big boys around. It’s a rough game, he says. Lots of pushing and shoving. Not like our games back in the day. We played marbles and such, nothing that needed so much, well, bigness.
He also said they eat a lot. Mountains of food, he says. To keep up that weight. I can’t imagine eating that much. We always had enough on the farm, but not mountains of it. These NBA players, especially these heavy NBA players, they must eat like kings. Or maybe like a whole pack of hungry wolves!
I guess being big has its advantages in that game. Like I said, it’s hard to push them around. They can probably just stand there and block the other fellas. Like a big ol’ tree trunk in the middle of the court. But they still run and jump, which is surprising for such big folks. It is a sight to see, those NBA players.

Well, I reckon that’s all I know about these big basketball players. My grandson keeps talking about them, so maybe I’ll learn more. But for now, I’m still amazed by that Oliver Miller, the heaviest NBA player. 380 pounds! That’s just something else. These heavy NBA players are something else, that’s for sure. It is a whole different world from our farm, I’ll tell you that much. The NBA has the largest athletes in the world, I think so.