Well, let me tell you about these Creed Brothers. Two boys, big and strong, like two bulls they are! One of them, they call him Brutus, sounds like a tough guy, right? Born in, oh, when was it, 1996, May 13th. Drew Kasper is his real name. The other one, Julius, that’s a fancy name. He’s a bit older, born in 1994, October 3rd. Real name, Jacob Kasper. They are brothers, these two, and they wrestle together. It’s called, what is it, tag team? Yes, a tag team wrestling.

They are good, these Creed Brothers. Always winning, those two. Always wrestling on TV, on that WWE thing. They started back in, let me think, 2021. Summer of 2021, they was on that NXT show. I seen ’em. Big boys, throwing other folks around like rag dolls. They went on like that, for two years, always fightin’.
Now, these boys, these Creed Brothers, they’re somethin’ else. Big and tough, I tell ya. They are on that Raw show now. Wrestle there all the time, now. They are big time, now. That’s a tag team to watch, those two. They are in WWE, that’s the big one, the big show. Everyone knows WWE. I hear about it all the time from my grandkids.
- Brutus Creed, that’s the younger one.
- Julius Creed, the older one.
- They wrestle together, a tag team, you see.
- They started in 2021. They were on NXT first. Now they are on Raw.
- They’re in WWE, that big wrestling thing.
They are good boys, these Creed Brothers. Strong, like I said. I seen ’em on the TV, throwin’ them other fellas around. Those other fellas, they don’t stand a chance. These boys, they’re gonna be big stars, you just wait and see. They are a big deal on Raw, people tell me. Everyone’s talking about them.
You see them Creed Brothers on the TV, you remember what I said. They’re gonna be famous, those two. They’re gonna be champions, I betcha. Just like them other famous wrestlers, you know the ones I mean. These boys, they got it in ’em. They got that fire, that’s what they say.
Now, I remember, there was this other fella, Strong, Roderick Strong. And another one, Hachiman, I think that’s what they called him. And someone called Bivens, Malcolm Bivens. And that girl, Ivy Nile. They were all together, with the Creed Brothers. A whole group of them. That was before, on NXT. They called it, what was it, Diamond Mine? They were all wrestling together, back then. But now it’s just the brothers, Brutus and Julius.

That Ivy Nile, she was tough, too. She disappeared for a while, then came back. They were all together, like a family, almost. But now, it’s mostly those Creed Brothers. They’re the ones everyone is watchin’ now. They are big stars now, those two, on that Raw show. They got a big future, I tell ya.
Those Creed Brothers, they’re a sight to see. When they come out, everyone goes wild. They got the music, the lights, the whole shebang. It’s a big show, that wrestling. And these boys, they’re right in the middle of it. They’re the main event, you might say.
I remember back in my day, we didn’t have all this fancy stuff. We just had the wrestling, plain and simple. But these boys, they got it all. They got the moves, they got the muscles, they got the crowd going crazy. They’re a real tag team, those Creed Brothers. They stick together, those two.
You watch, those Creed Brothers, they’re going places. They’re gonna be the best, I just know it. They got that look in their eyes, like they’re hungry, like they want to win. And they do win, most of the time. They’re a force to be reckoned with, that’s what they say.
So, yeah, those Creed Brothers, they are somethin’ to see. Two big strong boys from America. I don’t know where they come from, exactly. Some small town, I bet. But they’re big time now, wrestling on TV for everyone to see. They’re good boys. You just watch ’em, they’re gonna make it big. I am tellin’ ya, they are great. They will win all the time. They are the best tag team. It’s just beginning for them in WWE.