Alright, alright, let’s talk about this Steph girl, Steph… what’s her name again? Oh yeah, Kyriacou. Sounds like a sneeze, doesn’t it? Keer-ee-ah-coo, they say. Fancy folks and their fancy names.

So, this young gal, she’s from Australia, you know, down under where everything’s upside down. She’s a golfer, plays that game where they whack a little ball with a stick. Don’t ask me why, seems like a waste of a good walk to me, but hey, to each their own, right?
Steph Kyriacou, the Golfin’ Gal from Down Under
They say she’s good, real good. Won some kinda big thing in Australia back in 2020, beat everyone by a mile, they say. Eight strokes, that’s what I heard. Eight! Must’ve been playing against a bunch of blindfolded chickens, I tell ya. But no, she was playin’ against other lady golfers, professionals they call ’em. Guess she showed ’em who’s boss.
Now she’s playing in America, on the LPGA tour. Big time stuff, I guess. They got pictures of her on the internet, all smiles and sunshine. She looks like a nice girl, not one of them stuck-up types you see on TV sometimes.
- Born in 2000, so she’s just a young’un. My grandkids are older than her!
- Plays golf really well, apparently. Wins tournaments and stuff.
- Australian, so she probably talks funny. Just kiddin’! They all speak English, just with a bit of a twang.
They got all sorts of stats about her online, how far she hits the ball, how many birdies she makes… Birdies? What’s a birdie got to do with golf? Makes no sense to me, but then again, not much does these days. They got videos of her swingin’ that club, lookin’ all graceful and whatnot. I tell ya, I’d probably fall flat on my face tryin’ to do that.

She joined the LPGA Tour in 2022, so she’s been at it for a while now. Must be makin’ good money, travelin’ around the world, playin’ golf. Beats workin’ in the fields, that’s for sure. I hear she’s been playin’ in Europe too. Movin’ around like a restless cat, that one.
From Aussie Shores to American Greens
Seems like she came back to Australia recently for some tournament, the “Aussie Open” or somethin’. They had a hashtag for it, #AusOpengolf. These youngsters and their hashtags, always gotta be makin’ up new words. Anyway, she was playin’ there, tryin’ to win I guess. That’s what they do, these golfers, always tryin’ to win.
ESPN, that sports channel, they got a whole page about her. News and stats and videos, the whole shebang. She’s got fans, I guess, people who like watchin’ her play golf. I don’t get it, but hey, like I said, to each their own.
One thing I saw, she’s 24 years old. Just a kid, really. Imagine, traveling the world, playing golf, makin’ money… It’s a different life than mine, that’s for sure. I was already married with three kids by her age, workin’ my fingers to the bone.

So, that’s the story of Steph Kyriacou, as far as I can tell. A young Australian gal who’s good at hittin’ a little white ball with a stick. She seems like a hard worker, dedicated to her craft, they call it. Good for her, I say. Hope she makes a lot of money and has a happy life. Maybe one day she’ll come back to Australia and settle down, have a family, you know, the normal stuff. But for now, she’s out there chasin’ that little white ball, livin’ the dream, I guess.
Golf, Glory, and a Girl Named Kyriacou
And that husband thing? Seems like some other golfer has a husband, not this Steph girl. People gettin’ their stories all mixed up. Happens all the time, especially when you’re readin’ all this stuff online.
Anyway, that’s all I got to say about this Steph. She seems alright, plays her golf, travels the world. Good for her. Now, where’s that cup of tea?
Tags: [Stephanie Kyriacou, LPGA Tour, Australian golfer, professional golf, women’s golf, golf stats, golf news, Aussie Open, golf Australia]