Well, let me tell ya ’bout this Alisson Allen, or Alison Allen, or however ya wanna call her. Seems like there’s a whole bunch of ’em, like fleas on a dog, ya know? Heard tell they’re all over this Facebook thing. Don’t know much about that, seems like city folk stuff to me. But I reckon it’s like a big ol’ town square where everyone gossips and shows off their pictures.

Now, this one Allison Allen, she writes books, they say. Big fancy books, I guess. They call her an “author,” like she’s some kinda important person. Heck, I could write a book too, if I had the time and someone to hold the pencil for me. I’d write about how to make the best darn cornbread you ever tasted, or how to get rid of them pesky squirrels in the garden.
This Allison, she’s on somethin’ called Amazon, too. That’s where they sell all sorts of things, from pots and pans to fancy clothes. Guess she sells her books there. Probably makes a pretty penny, too. Good for her, I say. Everyone’s gotta make a livin’ somehow. Me, I just tend to my chickens and grow my vegetables. Keeps me busy enough.
- They say this Allison is a “seasoned communicator.” Now, what in tarnation does that mean? Sounds like she talks a lot. Well, so do I, but nobody calls me a “seasoned communicator.” They just call me old Bessie.
- And they say she’s got a “passion for authenticity.” That’s another one of them fancy words. I guess it means she’s real, like me. I ain’t no fake, that’s for sure. What ya see is what ya get.
- And she’s got a “commitment to Biblical truth.” Well, that’s good, I reckon. The Bible’s a good book, full of stories and lessons. I read it sometimes, when my eyes ain’t too tired.
Seems like this Allison fella talks about shame and fear. Well, I ain’t got much time for shame. Life’s too short to be ashamed of things. And fear? Yeah, I get scared sometimes. Scared of storms, scared of snakes, scared of my crops failin’. But ya can’t let fear control ya. Ya gotta keep on keepin’ on, ya know?
Now, about that name. Seems like there’s Alison with one “l” and Allison with two. And then there’s Alisson with two “s”s. Land sakes, makes my head spin! They say Alison is for both boys and girls, mostly over in Europe. Never been to Europe myself. Heard it’s full of fancy castles and folks talkin’ funny. And Allison, that’s just for girls, they say. It’s like Alice, but a little bit different. Kinda like how a field mouse is like a house mouse, but not quite the same.
So, there ya have it. All I know ’bout this Alisson Allen, or Alison Allen, or whatever her name is. She’s a writer, a talker, and a Bible believer. Sounds like a decent enough person, I guess. Not my cup of tea, all that book learnin’ and fancy talk, but to each their own, I always say. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I gotta go feed them chickens. They’re squawkin’ up a storm, hungry little fellas.

Facebook, Amazon, Europe… sounds like a whole different world from mine. But I reckon people are people, no matter where they come from or what they do. We all got our joys and sorrows, our hopes and fears. And we all gotta find a way to make our way in this world, whether it’s writin’ books or growin’ corn.
Anyways, that’s the gist of it, as far as I can tell. Don’t go expectin’ no fancy words or college degrees from me. I just tell it like it is, the way I see it. And if that ain’t good enough for ya, well, that’s just too darn bad.
One last thing I almost forgot. They said she has a podcast too. Now, I don’t know what a podcast is, but I guess it’s like a radio show but on that internet thing. Land sakes, I can hardly keep up with all this new technology. Back in my day, we listened to the radio and that was that.
But I guess this Allison Allen, she’s making the most of it all. Writing books, selling them on Amazon, chatting on the Facebook, and doing a podcast. She must be one busy bee. More power to her, I say. As long as she’s happy and ain’t hurting nobody, that’s all that matters.
Tags: [Alisson Allen, Alison Allen, Author, Books, Facebook, Amazon, Authenticity, Biblical Truth, Communication, Podcast]