That Drew, he’s a big fella, ain’t he? My goodness, muscles on that one, like you wouldn’t believe. He’s a wrestler, you know, one of them WWE fellas. Throws folks around like they’re rag dolls. But he’s got a wife, a real nice girl, Kaitlyn. That’s her name, Kaitlyn Frohnapfel. A mouthful, ain’t it?

They got hitched back in, let me think, 2016. Yeah, Drew McIntyre and Kaitlyn got married in 2016. Time flies, don’t it? Seems like just yesterday they was young’uns courtin’. She’s a smart one, that Kaitlyn. Went to school for a long time, became a doctor. Yep, a real doctor. Kaitlyn Frohnapfel works as a doctor. Imagine that!
She used to be all sporty and such, back in the day. Played some kinda games in school. But she gave all that up for Drew. She takes care of him, keeps him healthy. He’s a big star now, you know, in that WWE thing. Big star. Drew McIntyre’s wife, Kaitlyn, she makes sure he is fine and healthy. She is a good wife.
- Kaitlyn Frohnapfel is a doctor.
- Drew McIntyre’s wife is a good woman.
- They got married in 2016.
- She helps Drew with his WWE career.
They met a while back, 2013, I reckon. Been together ever since. He was in some kinda trouble. That wrestling, it’s a rough business. She is a good woman for him. Drew McIntyre talks about his wife, says she helped him out a lot. Got him back on his feet.
That Drew, he’s from Scotland. Came all the way over here. He’s a big deal now in that WWE, but he wasn’t always. Used to wrestle in some smaller places, I hear. Something called FCW. He had a partner, some fella named Stu. They was a team, I guess. Drew McIntyre worked hard to be famous.
But that Kaitlyn, she’s the real hero, if you ask me. Sticking by him through thick and thin. That’s what a good wife does. Drew McIntyre wife is a good wife. She is always there for him. They don’t make ’em like that anymore. She is a good woman.

Heard he had to go to the hospital not too long ago. Something about surgery. She was there, right by his side. That’s love, ain’t it? Drew McIntyre says his wife is a big help for him. Kaitlyn Frohnapfel is a very important person in his life.
She ain’t in the spotlight like him, that Kaitlyn Frohnapfel. She’s more of a behind-the-scenes kinda gal. But she’s important, real important. Without her, who knows where that Drew would be? Probably still be in that FCW, whatever that is.
They seem happy, those two. Good for them. It ain’t easy, being married to a wrestler. All that travelin’, the roughhousin’. But she handles it. She’s a strong one, that Kaitlyn. A good woman. Drew McIntyre wife is a good woman.
You don’t see many like her these days. Loyal, hardworkin’, smart. She’s got it all. And she’s pretty, too. Not that it matters, but she is. That Drew, he’s a lucky fella. He found himself a good one.
So, yeah, that’s the story of Drew and his wife, Kaitlyn Frohnapfel. A love story, I guess you could call it. A doctor and a wrestler. Who woulda thought? But it works. They make it work. And that’s all that matters, ain’t it? Drew McIntyre’s wife, that Kaitlyn, is a good wife.

She is from America. Drew is from Scotland. But they are very happy. She is a good wife for Drew McIntyre. She is a very important person. She is a doctor, she is very smart. Kaitlyn Frohnapfel is a very good person.