You know what? I was watchin’ that there TV, and I saw somethin’ ’bout Jason Williams and Randy Moss. Now, them two names, they rang a bell. I think that I saw it in TV, that they played some ball together back in the day, in their high school days.
That Jason Williams, he was somethin’ else with that basketball. Flippin’ it here, flippin’ it there, like it was magic. Some folks called him “White Chocolate”, but whatever that is supposed to mean, he played ball good. He surely played it good. He was a magician, a real magician with that ball. I don’t know why they called him that, though. It’s a silly name, but he was good. So good.
Jason Williams and Randy Moss in High School
Now, that Randy Moss, he was a fast one. Tall and fast, like a dang ol’ racehorse. He could run like the wind, I tell ya. He played football, that’s what he did. He was the best of the best, they say. And get this, they both went to the same school! Imagine that, two big shots like them, walkin’ the same halls. It was some school called Dupont High School. Some fancy name for a school, I reckon. But it produced two of the best, so there is that.
They say they come from the same place, somewhere in West Virginia. Grew up near each other, went to the same school. Can you believe that? Two fellas, good at different things, but both famous. It’s a small world, ain’t it? Two stars come from the same place. And this place is not big. But they both made it.
Randy Moss: The Football Star
- Fast as a lightning bolt
- Tall as a tree
- Could catch any ball thrown his way
Randy Moss, he was somethin’ to watch on that football field. He could run faster than anyone, jump higher than a dang kangaroo. They threw that ball way up high, and he’d just go and get it. Like a dog fetchin’ a stick, but way more excitin’. And when that ball is thrown to him, he will catch it. No matter what. He will always catch it. That’s the thing he does.
It’s crazy to think they was on the same team. One throwin’ a basketball, the other catchin’ a football. What a sight that must’ve been! Imagine these two, in one team, playing together. That must be good. Dupont High School must be so proud. And these two are very good at what they do. They must be proud, too. Surely they are proud. They are so good.

Jason Williams: The Basketball Wizard
- Tricky with the ball
- Fast moves
- Could pass like no other
And that Jason Williams, he was just as good with that basketball. He’d dribble it ’round like he was born with it in his hand. He was like a wizard or somethin’, makin’ that ball disappear and reappear. And his passes, oh lord, his passes! He could get that ball to anyone, no matter how many folks was in the way. It is like he has some super power. I don’t know how he does it. But he does it.
It’s somethin’, ain’t it? Two young fellas, from the same little place, makin’ it big in the world. One with a football, one with a basketball. They must be very proud of themselves. They are the best. They are the best of the best. So they must be proud. It makes ya think, don’t it? What are the chances?
Life’s funny like that. You never know who you’re gonna meet, who’s gonna be famous. These two, Jason Williams and Randy Moss, they showed the world what they could do. And they did it good. Real good. And they made it. And I saw them on TV. I will watch them again, surely.
So there you have it. Jason Williams and Randy Moss. Two big names. Two big talents. And they both come from a small place. Ain’t that somethin’? It surely is.