Today I was checking out some Python stuff and came across these two things: struff and gaston. They sounded interesting, so I decided to mess around with them and see what they’re all about.
First, I installed both of them using pip. It was pretty simple:
pip install struff
pip install gaston
After I got them installed, I started playing around with struff. Seems like it’s used for managing different versions of things, probably packages or something. I tried running a few commands, like:
struff list
struff use 1.2.3
It showed me the versions I had and let me switch between them. Pretty neat if you need to work with different versions of the same thing.
Then I moved on to gaston. This one’s apparently for testing or something like that. I created a simple test file and ran:
gaston my_test_*
It ran the tests and gave me some output. Seemed to work fine, although I didn’t dive too deep into it.
After messing around with them for a bit, I realized they’re probably useful for different things. Struff is handy for managing versions, and gaston is good for running tests.
Overall, it was a fun little experiment. I might use struff if I ever need to handle multiple versions of packages, and gaston seems like a decent testing tool. I wouldn’t say they’re super essential, but they could be helpful in certain situations. Just another day of tinkering with Python stuff!