Okay, so today I was trying to solve the NYT crossword, and I got stuck on a clue: “unspecified amount.” It’s super annoying when you just can’t get that one word, you know?

My Struggle with the Clue
First, I tried to think of general words for “a bunch” or “some.” I thought about words like “oodles,” “loads,” or “tons,” but none of them fit the number of letters I had available.
I even looked at the crossing words to see if I could get any hints. Sometimes, filling in other parts of the puzzle helps you see the answer more clearly. I got a few letters, but the word was still totally escaping me.
Thinking Outside the Box
I decided I should try to use my phone, and type the crossword clue into google. After I input the whole question, it shows some possible words for it.
Finally get the word
Luckily I had some letters filled, so I figured out it should be “SOME”! I filled them into the crossword, and It fits perfectly!

It’s funny how sometimes the simplest words are the hardest to get. Anyway, I finished the puzzle, that was my little adventure for the day!