Okay, so, I saw this headline the other day: “Raquel Gonzalez and Braun Strowman Split.” And I was like, “What? No way!” I’m a huge WWE fan, so I follow these guys pretty closely. It seemed like they were going strong, at least from what I saw on their social media.

So, naturally, I put on my detective hat and started digging. First, I checked their Instagram accounts, and yup, they had unfollowed each other. That’s usually a pretty big red flag, right?
Investigative Steps:
- Scrolled through Braun’s feed, looking for any recent pics of Raquel. Nothing.
- Repeated the same for Raquel’s feed. Same result.
- Looked at their older posts to see if they had deleted any couple-y photos. Couldn’t really tell, but it felt like something was missing.
Then, I hit up some of the wrestling news sites. A few of them were reporting on the rumored split, saying that Braun had actually confirmed it back in August 2023. August! That’s like, ages ago in internet time. How did I miss that?
I remember seeing them together at some events, and they looked happy. Braun even called Raquel the back that carries… something. It sounded sweet, though I didn’t quite get the meaning. Then, I saw some comments about “superhuman children” if they had kids. People online, right? I also saw a discussion that compared Raquel with Snuka, saying that there is no comparison between them.
Anyway, it seems like it’s true. They’ve gone their separate ways. It’s kind of a bummer, but hey, that’s life, I guess. I just hope they’re both doing okay.
I spent way more time on this than I should have, but I just had to know. Curiosity got the best of me, you know? Now I can finally move on. Or, you know, start digging into the next wrestling rumor. There’s always something, isn’t there?