Okay, so I got this idea to make some cool paper weapons, you know, like the ones from those old kung fu movies? I’m calling it “zhezhi weapon” because “zhezhi” is, like, the art of paper folding. So, let’s dive in and get hands on with this.

Getting Started
First thing I did was grab some paper. Just regular printer paper, nothing fancy. I figured I’d start simple.
- I grabbed about 10 sheets, all standard size.
The First Attempt: A Simple Sword
I started by trying to make a sword. A basic one, with a straight blade.
I folded the paper lengthwise, making sure the edges lined up perfectly. Then, I folded it again, and again, until it became stiff.
I kept folding and creasing, trying to give it a bit of a point at the end. It looked a bit… floppy. Too much like, I dunno, folded paper. Not a cool sword.

Toughening Things Up
I needed to make it stronger. So, I grabbed another sheet and wrapped it tightly around the first folded piece. This added some thickness, but it still wasn’t great. I did this wrapping thing a few more times.
It started to feel a bit more solid in my hand. Like I could actually, you know, swing it without it just bending in half.
Adding a Handle
Next, I needed a handle. I took another sheet and rolled it up really tight, making a cylinder. This took, like, five minutes because I was having a problem of rolling this paper tight.
Then, I attached it to the base of the “blade” using… well, a lot of tape. I mean, A LOT of tape. Gotta make it secure, right?
The Big Test
I held it up. It looked… kinda like a sword. Okay, a very paper-y sword. But still! I swung it around a bit. It held up! Didn’t break or anything. Success!

It’s not gonna win any awards for craftsmanship, that’s for sure. But I made it! It’s my first zhezhi weapon, and I learned a ton in the process. Next time, I’m thinking… maybe a throwing star? We’ll see!