Alright, so you wanna know about this Matt Fitzpatrick’s wife, huh? Well, lemme tell ya, I heard some things from folks around. Don’t rightly know these people myself, but gossip travels faster than a wildfire in dry grass, ya know?

Who is this Matt guy anyway? Seems he’s one of them golf fellers, plays the game with the little white balls and fancy sticks. People say he’s pretty good at it too, wins some stuff, gets his picture in the papers. Now, what’s his name…Matt Fitzpatrick, that’s it. Heard tell he’s from England, Sheffield I think they said, somewhere over the big pond.
So, this Matt, he went and got himself hitched. Yep, found himself a woman. And not just any woman, mind you. This one’s a looker, they say. Name’s Katherine, Katherine somethin’. They call her Katherine Gaal, real fancy like.
- Katherine Gaal, the wife: Now, this Katherine girl, she ain’t from England like Matt. She’s American, born and bred. Jersey girl, they say. You know, New Jersey? Heard it’s a busy place, lots of cars and people. And guess what? This girl, she was in one of them beauty pageants. Miss New Jersey, can you believe it? Pretty as a picture, I bet. They say it was way back in 2013, when she was just a young’un.
- How they met: This is where it gets a bit fuzzy. Nobody seems to know for sure how these two lovebirds got together. It’s like they just popped up as a couple outta nowhere. First time folks saw them together was on this Matt’s, whatchamacallit…social media thingy. Early 2023, in Hawaii. Warm place, Hawaii. Bet them two looked mighty fine together in the sunshine.
- A Netflix star too!: And get this, Katherine, she even showed up on one of them TV shows. Netflix, they call it. It’s about golf, and Matt was on it. So there she was, right beside him. Guess she’s gettin’ used to the cameras and all that fuss.
They got engaged, you know, like promised to get married, in September of 2023. Didn’t waste no time, did they? And then, just this past October, in 2024, they went and tied the knot. Big fancy wedding, I imagine. Probably lots of flowers and fancy food. Good for them, I say. Everyone deserves a bit of happiness in this world, even them rich golf fellers.
I also heard tell that Matt has a brother named Alex. He’s a golfer too I think. But that’s all I know about him. This whole story is about Matt and his wife Katherine, ain’t it?
So there you have it. That’s the story of Matt Fitzpatrick and his wife, Katherine Gaal. A golf champ and a beauty queen, sounds like a match made in heaven, don’t it? At least that’s what I heard from them folks who like to gab. Now, don’t go quotin’ me on all this, ya hear? Just a bunch of stories I picked up along the way.

Hope that answers your questions, young’un. Now go on, get outta here and let me get back to my business.
Tags: [Matt Fitzpatrick, Katherine Gaal, Wife, Marriage, Golfer, Miss New Jersey, Wedding, PGA Tour, DP World Tour, US Open]