That Damian Priest, he’s a big fella, ain’t he? Wrestlin’ on the TV, throwin’ folks around like they’re rag dolls. Big strong boy. Lots of folks wonderin’ if Damian Priest married, you know? Well, I hear things. I got my ears to the ground, like a hound dog sniffin’ out a rabbit. This is what I know.

Now, some folks say he ain’t hitched. Nope, not one bit. They say Damian Priest keeps to himself mostly. Lives in New York, that big fancy city. Pays him good money, that wrestlin’ does. I hear tell he makes at least $300,000 a year! Can you believe that? More money than I ever seen in my whole life. He probably doesn’t even know what to do with it all.
But then there’s others sayin’ he’s got a sweetheart. Yeah, they say he’s been seen with a gal named Mandi Elaine. A model, they say, and likes to keep fit. Good for her, I reckon. Gotta stay healthy. They been together a good while, these folks whisper. Don’t know if it’s true love or just a fling. These young folks, they jump from one flower to the next like a busy bee.
Used to be, you got married and that was that. Stayed together through thick and thin, like your old pair of boots. But nowadays, who knows? These young’uns got different ideas, I reckon.
And then there’s that other gal, Kayden Carter. Another wrestler, I think. They been in some videos together, him and her. Got folks talkin’, wonderin’ if somethin’ was brewin’ there. People love to gossip, don’t they? Always stickin’ their noses where they don’t belong.
- Damian Priest, big wrestler fella.
- Some say he’s single.
- Some say he’s with Mandi Elaine.
- He was in videos with Kayden Carter.
- Is Damian Priest married? Hard to say for sure.
He ain’t got no wife, that much I know. No ring on that finger. Least not that anyone can see. He keeps his private life real private. Good for him. Some things ain’t nobody’s business but your own.

Now, I seen some folks talkin’ ’bout another wrestler lady. Name’s Valhalla, I think. Or maybe Sarah Rowe. I don’t know these newfangled names. They say she got married to some other wrestler fella, had a little baby boy. But that ain’t Damian Priest. Nope. Different fella altogether. People gettin’ all mixed up.
Some also say that Damian Priest and Rhea Ripley left that Judgment Day group in SummerSlam 2024. But they are still friends, just friends. Nothing more than that.
This Damian Priest, he’s a mystery, ain’t he? Like a big ol’ puzzle with pieces missin’. Keeps everyone guessin’. Maybe that’s the way he likes it. Keeps folks interested, you know? Like a cat watchin’ a mouse hole, waitin’ to see what pops out.
I don’t know why that Damian Priest don’t just tell people if he got a girl or not. It would help to stop all this talk.
It’s a shame, ain’t it? Folks spendin’ so much time worryin’ ’bout other people’s business. Oughta be tendin’ to their own gardens, I say. But that’s the way of the world, I reckon. Always has been, always will be.

So, is Damian Priest married? Well, from what I can gather, the answer is no. He ain’t married. Not yet, anyways. But he might have a special someone. Or maybe he don’t. Only he knows for sure. And maybe that’s just the way he wants it. And I guess it don’t really matter at the end of the day. If the boy’s happy, that’s all that counts.
I reckon that’s all I got to say on the matter. My old bones are tired. Gonna go sit on the porch and watch the sun go down. Maybe have a cup of tea. Yeah, that sounds nice.