This here Wuthering Waves, it’s all the rage now, ain’t it? My grandson, he’s glued to it all day long. Keeps talkin’ ’bout this fusion damage. Sounds like a right mess to me, but what do I know? I just keep my chickens fed and my garden weeded. But I heard him yapping about it, so I thought I’d try to figure out what this fusion damage in Wuthering Waves is all about.

Now, this game, it ain’t like plantin’ taters. You got these… characters, I reckon they’re called. And they do all sorts of fightin’. This fusion damage, it’s like… well, it’s like when you mix somethin’ together to make it stronger. Like when I add a little somethin’ extra to my stew to give it some kick.
My grandson was sayin’ somethin’ ’bout “elemental resistance.” Sounds fancy, don’t it? But I think it just means that some of these critters you fight in the game, they’re tougher against certain kinds of attacks. Like tryin’ to chop wood with a butter knife. Just ain’t gonna work real good.
- Some critters tough, like old boots.
- Some critters weak, like day-old bread.
- Gotta use the right stuff to beat ’em.
So, this fusion damage, I think it’s about usin’ the right kind of attack. Like usin’ an axe on that wood instead of a butter knife. You gotta hit ’em where it hurts, I suppose. This game, it’s got all these different types of attacks. Like different tools in your shed. You got your hammers, your saws, your shovels… gotta use the right one for the job.
And these characters, they got different things they’re good at, too. Some are better at fusion. Like how my Bessie is better at layin’ eggs than my other hens. Just how it is.
They got somethin’ called “Fusion Accretion” too. My grandson, he was real excited about gettin’ that. Must be somethin’ special. Probably makes this fusion damage even stronger. Like addin’ an extra pinch of spice to your stew. Makes it real potent.

I heard him say that not all enemies in Wuthering Waves are naturally weak to elements. That’s like sayin’ my prize-winnin’ rooster ain’t naturally scared of the fox. He’s tough, that one. But even he’s got his weaknesses. Gotta find ’em out.
From what I gather, if you hit an enemy with somethin’ they’re strong against, they don’t take as much of a beatin’. Like tryin’ to shoo a fly with a feather. Just ain’t gonna do much. The grandson mentioned somethin’ about 33.3%. Numbers ain’t my strong suit, but it sounds like they take a third less of a whuppin’.
This whole Wuthering Waves fusion damage thing, it’s about findin’ what hurts those critters the most and usin’ it. Simple as that, really. Just like knowin’ what kind of bait to use to catch a fish. Gotta know what they like.
My grandson was talkin’ ’bout a “Data Bank” in the game. Sounds like a fancy cookbook to me. Probably tells you all about these critters and what they’re weak against. Like knowin’ what kind of pie your neighbor likes best before you bake it for ’em.
This Fusion Accretion thing, there are some characters that are just better at it. Like how my neighbor Martha can knit a whole sweater in a day, and I can barely manage a scarf. Just a knack for it, I suppose.

- Fusion Accretion is good, real good.
- Gotta find the right characters.
- Makes that fusion damage even better.
He was also sayin’ somethin’ about “stats” and “materials” to level up this Fusion Accretion. Sounds like a whole lot of work to me. Like tendin’ to a garden. Gotta water it, weed it, fertilize it… all to get those tomatoes nice and plump.
This Wuthering Waves, it’s a complicated thing, ain’t it? But I reckon this fusion damage is just about hittin’ ’em where it hurts. Findin’ their weak spot and goin’ at it. Like gettin’ a splinter out. Gotta know where to poke.
I still don’t understand all of it. Games these days! Back in my day, we just played hopscotch and jacks. But I guess this fusion damage is important if you wanna be good at Wuthering Waves. Just gotta learn the ropes, like anything else. Like learnin’ how to milk a cow. Takes practice, but once you get the hang of it, it’s easy as pie. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I gotta go collect my eggs. All this talkin’ about games has made me hungry.