Okay, so today I decided to dive deep into something I’ve been curious about for a while – The Undertaker’s WrestleMania streak. You know, that legendary, seemingly unbeatable run of victories at WrestleMania? I wanted to see it, understand it, and really feel it, from start to finish.

First, I gathered my resources. This wasn’t just about watching a few matches. I needed the full experience. I dug out my old DVDs (yeah, I still have those!), found some decent quality uploads, and made a list. I wanted to watch every single WrestleMania match in order, no skipping.
The Beginning of The Streak
I started with WrestleMania VII, Undertaker vs. Jimmy “Superfly” Snuka. Man, the atmosphere back then was something else! It was raw, the crowd was wild, and Undertaker…he was this terrifying, almost supernatural presence. I watched him methodically dismantle Snuka, and it was clear this wasn’t just a wrestler; this was a force.
Then I moved on, year after year. I saw him face giants like Giant Gonzalez and King Kong Bundy. I witnessed brutal battles with Kane, his storyline brother. I felt the tension build with each passing WrestleMania. It was like each victory added another layer of mystique, another brick in this seemingly impenetrable wall.
The Big Matches
The matches against Shawn Michaels at WrestleMania 25 and 26? Forget about it! Those were masterpieces. The storytelling, the drama, the near falls…I was on the edge of my seat, even though I knew the outcome. I experienced those matches, I didn’t just watch them. I was yelling, jumping and screaming, and really felt involved.
And the Triple H Hell in a Cell match at WrestleMania 28 with Shawn as the special guest referee? Pure, unadulterated chaos! I remember thinking, “This is it, this is where it ends,” so many times. The emotional rollercoaster was insane. I really felt drained after I watched this one.

The End of an Era
Of course, I eventually reached WrestleMania 30. Brock Lesnar. The Beast Incarnate. I knew it was coming, but I still wasn’t ready. I watched, almost in slow motion, as Lesnar delivered that third F5 and the referee counted one…two…three. The silence in the arena, the shock on everyone’s faces – I felt it all. It was like a part of my wrestling fandom had died. It was a bitter pill to swallow. I even shed some tears, really!
I continued watching the subsequent WrestleMania matches, the ones after the streak ended. They were good, some even great, but they had a different feel. The weight of the streak was gone, and while Undertaker was still a legend, it just wasn’t the same.
So, that’s what I did today. I relived the entire Undertaker WrestleMania streak, from its humble beginnings to its shocking end. It was a journey through wrestling history, a testament to a character and a performer unlike any other. And yeah, it was a pretty awesome way to spend a day.