Alright, folks, let’s dive into my little project from today. I’m a huge basketball fan, and I always love digging into the stats after a good game. So, today, I decided to grab the player stats from the Golden State Warriors vs. Atlanta Hawks game.

First things first, I needed to find a place to get the data. You know, there are tons of sports websites out there, but I just picked one I’m used to. I just wanted a simple table with all the basic stats.
Getting My Hands Dirty
I opened up the website and found the game. Boom! There it was, a neat table with all the player stats: points, rebounds, assists, all that good stuff.
Now, I didn’t want to do anything fancy, just wanted to copy and paste the data. So I highlighted the table, right-clicked, and hit “Copy”. Easy peasy.
Organizing the Goods
Next, I needed somewhere to put this data. I could’ve used a spreadsheet program, but I just wanted to keep it simple, so I opened up a plain text editor. You know, like Notepad or something similar. I pasted the data in there. It looked a little messy at first, all jumbled together.
So, I spent a few minutes cleaning it up. You know, adding some spaces, making sure each player’s stats were on their own line. Nothing too complicated, just making it readable.

- Stephen Curry: 35 Points, 7 Rebounds, 5 Assists
- Trae Young: 29 Points, 3 Rebounds, 12 Assists
The plain data I had was really more detailed, showing things like the players’ field goal percentages, free throws, and turnovers. I put all of the players and their stats.
Mission Accomplished!
And that’s it! I had all the player stats from the game in a simple, easy-to-read format. Now I could look over them, compare players, and you know, just geek out over the numbers. It wasn’t rocket science, just a quick and easy way to grab some data and play around with it. I love those match days!