Well, howdy there, young’uns! Let me tell ya, this here “MLB The Show 24,” it’s got folks all riled up tryin’ to figure out how to get traded. It ain’t as easy as pie, that’s for sure. Back in my day, you just told the boss man you were unhappy, and poof! You were gone like a fart in the wind.

Now, this here game, it’s a bit trickier. Seems like they made it all fancy-schmancy. But don’t you worry none, I’ll tell you what I’ve heard, even though this old lady doesn’t play those fancy video games. My grandson, he’s always yappin’ about it.
First thing’s first, you gotta have an agent. That’s your middleman, see? He’s the fella who talks to the big shots. But here’s the kicker, you can’t just call him up anytime you please. Oh no, you gotta wait for him to call you. It’s like waitin’ for rain in a drought! And when he does call, it’s one of them fancy “cutscenes,” they call it. Happens maybe once or twice a year in the game, if you’re lucky.
Now, if you’re itchin’ to get traded faster, there’s another way, but it ain’t pretty. You gotta be a real pain in the neck to your manager. You know, like that stubborn mule down the road? Complainin’, grumblin’, doin’ things your own way. Basically, bein’ a jerk. That might just make ’em want to get rid of ya.
I heard tell there’s some kinda settings you can mess with too, in somethin’ called “Franchise Mode.” You gotta turn on somethin’ called “Force Trades.” Then, you go to the “trade screen,” whatever that is, and swap yourself around like you’re tradin’ chickens at the market. Sounds like cheatin’ to me, but hey, if it gets you where you wanna go, who am I to judge?
Some folks are sayin’ the game makers, these fellas at “SDS” they call ’em, took away the option to just ask for a trade. Can you believe that? Makes no sense, if you ask me. Why take away somethin’ that makes the game more fun? It’s like takin’ the sugar out of sweet tea, just ain’t right!

Anyways, there’s talk about “player’s trade value” and “team dynamics.” Sounds like a whole lotta hooey to me. Basically, you gotta play good, make yourself look valuable, and don’t go around causin’ too much trouble… except if you’re tryin’ that “be a jerk” method, of course.
And somethin’ about gear, too. Wrist guards, they call ’em. You can find ’em under “player tab,” then “appearance,” somethin’ somethin’ “equipment style,” “batting gear,” and finally “base runner protective gear.” Why you need fancy wrist guards to get traded, I’ll never know. But my grandson says you can equip and customize them. Kids these days!
So, to sum it all up, gettin’ traded in this here “MLB The Show 24” ain’t a walk in the park. You gotta wait for your agent to call, be a pain in the butt to your manager, mess with the settings, or maybe wear some fancy wrist guards. It’s all a bit confusing if you ask me. But that’s how these youngsters like it, I guess.
Now, remember, this is just what I’ve heard. I ain’t played the game myself. I’m too busy tryin’ to keep the chickens out of the garden and the squirrels off the bird feeders. But if you’re determined to get traded, give these things a try. And if all else fails, just keep swingin’ that bat and hopin’ for the best.
- Get an Agent: But you gotta wait for him to call you, it ain’t on your time.
- Be a Jerk: Sometimes, bein’ difficult is the only way to get what you want.
- Force Trades: If you’re playin’ in that “Franchise Mode,” you can kinda cheat the system.
- Wrist Guards? Apparently, these matter, don’t ask me why. Find them in the player tab under appearance and equipment.
Good luck to ya, young’uns. And remember, even if you don’t get traded, just keep your chin up and keep playin’ the game. That’s what really matters, right? Having fun and enjoyin’ yourself. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I gotta go chase those darn chickens again.

And one more thing, remember to keep your player’s value high and play well. If you’re a good player, the teams will want you, it’s as simple as that.
Anyways, this game sounds too complicated for my tastes. Good luck, and don’t spend too much time staring at that screen, get some fresh air once in a while.