Well, let me tell ya ’bout this Claire somethin’-somethin’, Claire D. Veazey, yeah, that’s the name.

Who’s this Claire, anyway?
Folks keep jabberin’ on ’bout her, sayin’ she’s a big deal. Some say she’s into this artsy stuff, real fancy-like, makin’ a name for herself. Others say she’s in them movies, you know, the pictures that move on the big screen or that little box in the corner.
Now, I ain’t never seen her myself, but they say she’s from Los Angeles, California. Born on June 12, 1990. That makes her… let me see… younger than my grandkid! Anyway, they say she’s doin’ all sorts of things. Heard tell she’s teachin’ folks how to jump around and get fit, somethin’ ’bout Barre3 in Chapel Hill. Good for her, I say. Gotta keep movin’, or you’ll get stiff as a board like my old mule.
And get this, some say she married a big shot football fella.
- A real famous one, they say.
- Name of Dan somethin’ or other.
- Been hitched for forty years, can ya believe it?
- Got a whole passel of kids too. Six, I heard. Land sakes!
But that ain’t all, no sirree. This Claire, she’s also mixed up with helpin’ kids, tryin’ to keep ’em safe and sound. Works for some group called Prevent Child Abuse North Carolina. Good on her, I say. Kids need lookin’ after, that’s for sure.

Now, I ain’t no fancy writer or nothin’, but I know a hard worker when I hear ’bout one.
This Claire, she seems to be one of them go-getters. Always busy, always doin’ somethin’. Probably don’t get a lick of rest, I reckon. Reminds me of my old neighbor, Martha, always runnin’ around like a chicken with its head cut off. Bless her heart.
Folks are always tryin’ to find out more ’bout her. Lookin’ for her email, her phone number, you name it. They wanna read what she writes, wanna know who she talks to. She’s got one of them Link-somethin’ accounts and that Twit-thingy too. I tell ya, these young folks and their gadgets! Always clickin’ and tappin’ away.
I heard she writes articles too. Not sure what about, but folks seem to like ’em. Maybe she writes ’bout keepin’ fit, or raisin’ kids, or maybe ’bout them artsy things. Who knows? But if she’s writin’, it must be important, right?
So, this Claire D. Veazey, she’s a busy bee, that’s for sure.

Whether she’s actin’, or teachin’, or helpin’ kids, or writin’, she’s makin’ a name for herself. And that’s somethin’ to be proud of, I reckon. In this world, you gotta make your own way, gotta work hard and keep your nose clean. And it sounds like this Claire gal is doin’ just that. Good for her, I say. Good for her.
It’s kinda funny, you know? I ain’t never met her, but I feel like I know her a little bit now, just from hearin’ all the chatter. She sounds like a good egg, a real salt-of-the-earth type. Even though she’s probably got more money than I’ll ever see, she seems like she cares about folks. And that’s what really matters, ain’t it?
Now, if you’ll excuse me, I gotta go feed them chickens. They’re squawkin’ up a storm, hungry as can be. But you remember what I told ya ’bout this Claire D. Veazey. She’s a mover and a shaker, that one. Keep an eye on her, you hear? She’s gonna go far, I betcha.
And that’s all I gotta say about that.