Okay, so I’ve been trying to get Wuthering Waves to run at a smooth 120 FPS, and let me tell you, it’s been a journey. I thought I’d share what I’ve learned and what worked for me, ’cause it wasn’t as straightforward as I expected.

First, I started poking around online, reading forums and Reddit threads. Everyone was talking about how demanding the game is, and that even high-end PCs were struggling to hit that 120 FPS mark consistently.
My current rig has:
- CPU:i5-12400f
- GPU:Rtx 3060ti
Initially, I was getting around 70-90 FPS, with some dips below that in busy areas. Definitely playable, but not that buttery-smooth 120 FPS I was aiming for.
Experiment time!
I tried everything.
I messed with every in-game setting, lowering shadows, turning off reflections, the works. I even went into the NVIDIA Control Panel and tweaked some things there, like setting the power management mode to “Prefer maximum performance.” No dice. Still not hitting 120 consistently.

Then, I started thinking about my CPU. Even though I didn’t think to upgrade my CPU, I realized it might be holding me back.
So, I bit the bullet. I looked up some benchmarks and comparisons, and finally decided to try to upgrade my CPU first. It was a bit of a gamble, but hey, what’s life without a little risk, right?
I monitored my CPU usage in-game after upgrading my CPU, and sure enough, some cores were getting maxed out, especially in those dense areas. That confirmed it – the CPU was the bottleneck.
After the upgrade, I fired up Wuthering Waves, held my breath, and… boom! Solid 120 FPS, even in the most chaotic fights. It was glorious.
So, the lesson here? If you’re serious about 120 FPS in Wuthering Waves, don’t underestimate the importance of your CPU. It’s not all about the GPU. Make sure you’ve got a beefy enough processor to handle the game’s demands, or you’ll be stuck in sub-120 FPS land, like I was.