Well now, y’all wanna know how much them two big ol’ boxers, Canelo and Munguia, made for their big ol’ fight, huh? Well, I ain’t no expert or nothin’, but I heard a few things ’round town, and I reckon I can tell ya a bit about it.

So, first things first, let’s talk about Canelo Alvarez. That fella, he’s like the king of boxing. He don’t come cheap, no sir. Word on the street is that Canelo was promised a purse, that’s the money for just showin’ up and fightin’, between 30 million and 35 million dollars for his fight with Jaime Munguia. I reckon that sounds like a whole lotta money to most folks, and truth be told, it is. But hold on, ‘cause that ain’t all Canelo’s gettin’ from this fight. He also gets a bunch more money from all them folks who pay to watch the fight on TV, and from them big ol’ sponsors, like them soda companies and car makers that just love to get their names on Canelo’s gloves and shorts. All that extra cash from pay-per-view and sponsors means he’s makin’ a whole lot more than that guaranteed purse. I’ve heard it could end up bein’ even more than 50 million dollars when all’s said and done!
Now, don’t go thinkin’ that Munguia got cheated or nothin’. He ain’t makin’ no 30 million like Canelo, but he’s still makin’ a pretty penny. From what I’ve heard, that young fella was guaranteed around 10 million dollars for the fight. Not too shabby for someone who’s still workin’ on makin’ a name for himself in the ring. Of course, I reckon he might’ve made a little more from pay-per-view shares or somethin’, though they ain’t talkin’ too much about that yet. I’m sure he’s gonna have a real good time spendin’ that money, just like Canelo does.
The funny thing is, even though both of them made a ton of money, it’s Canelo’s name that really brings in the big bucks. He’s been boxin’ for years and years, so folks know him all over the world. When he steps in the ring, people come from all over just to watch him fight. It’s kinda like how the county fair always brings in more folks when the big ol’ rodeo is goin’ on. People just love a good show, and Canelo sure knows how to put on a show!
Now, I’m sure you’re wonderin’ how much them other boxers, like Bivol and others, make. Well, I ain’t got all the details, but I did hear that Bivol, after his big ol’ fight with Canelo, walked away with a hefty 5 million dollars. For him, that was a big jump up from what he’d been makin’ before. But, even with that big paycheck, I reckon it don’t compare to what Canelo pulls in for them big fights. It’s just the way the game works, I suppose.
So, what do we learn from all this?

- Canelo’s makin’ a whole lotta money – between 30 to 35 million dollars, and even more with all them extras.
- Munguia’s makin’ a pretty good sum too, at around 10 million dollars, though it ain’t as much as Canelo’s take.
- Pay-per-view and sponsorships make a big difference in what these fighters end up with.
- Even boxers like Bivol can make a nice chunk of change, but it’s Canelo who really racks up the big numbers.
At the end of the day, it ain’t just about the fightin’. It’s about who you know, who’s watchin’, and who’s willin’ to spend their hard-earned money to see you swing them fists in the ring. I reckon both Canelo and Munguia have done real good for themselves, and they’ll keep on makin’ that money as long as they keep throwin’ them punches. But, I tell ya what, for all the money they make, it sure don’t look like they’re stoppin’ anytime soon. So, we’ll just have to wait and see who’ll be rakin’ in the next big ol’ paycheck!
Tags:[Canelo, Munguia, boxing, purse, fight earnings, pay-per-view, sponsorship, boxing money, Canelo Alvarez, Jaime Munguia]