Well, I been thinkin’ about them big ol’ baseball fields, ya know? Them places where fellas smack balls and run around. Folks call ‘em baseball parks, I reckon. Now, I ain’t never been to one myself, but I seen ‘em on that there TV thingy. Big places, they are. Lots of seats and green grass.

So, I was thinkin’, it’d be right handy to have a map of all them parks. Like, a picture showin’ where they all at. You know, so’s folks can find ‘em easy-like. Baseball parks map, that’s what they should call it.
I heard tell there’s a whole bunch of ‘em in this here USA. Thirty, maybe more, I dunno. Big league teams, they call ‘em. Fancy fellas hittin’ fancy balls. And each team got their own park, I guess. Like, the Yankees got their place, and the Mets got theirs. Heard they’re both in New York, which is a big ol’ city, I hear.
- Yankee Stadium, that’s one of ‘em, in a place called the Bronx.
- And then there’s Citi Field, in Queens. Same city, but different park, go figure.
Now, I also heard somethin’ about a place called Fenway Park. That one’s special, they say. Hitters like it, ‘cause the fence ain’t too far out. Makes it easier to smack that ball, I reckon. Some fella named George Will, he wrote a book about it. Said it’s a “hitter’s ballpark”. Said the fence in right field is only 302 feet away. That ain’t far, even for an old gal like me! And the foul ground, that’s the space on the sides, it’s real small. Smallest of all the parks, they say. So, them hitters got a good chance of smackin’ the ball and not gettin’ out.
And then there’s Toronto. Not in the USA, mind you, but not too far neither. Seventy miles, they say. Like a crow flyin’. They got a team called the Blue Jays. Been playin’ there since 1977. That’s a long time, even for me. I was a young’un back then, well, younger anyways. Folks in Buffalo, they gotta go to Toronto if they wanna see a big league game, I guess. Closest one to ‘em.
Anyways, back to this baseball parks map idea. It’d be real helpful, ya see? Folks wanna go see a game, they can just look at the map and see where to go. No need for all that fussin’ and askin’ around. Just look at the map, find the park, and get on your way. And this Google thing, they already got maps of everything else, so why not baseball parks? They got them pins dropped and everything.

They could even put little pictures on the map, so’s you know what the park looks like. And maybe some writin’ too, tellin’ ya how far it is to the fence, or if it’s a good place for hitters. That’d be right handy, I tell ya. Makes it easy for folks like me who ain’t too good with all this newfangled technology. Just a simple map, showin’ where all them baseball parks are at. That’s all I’m askin’ for.
And if someone wants to make this map, they better make it good and clear. Big print, so’s us old folks can see it. And no fancy words, just plain English. Tell us where the parks are, and that’s all. Don’t need no fancy decorations or nothin’. Just a good, plain baseball parks map. That’s what I want. And I reckon a lot of other folks want it too. So, get to it, ya hear?
So, there you have it. My thoughts on this here baseball parks map. It ain’t fancy, but it’s the truth. And sometimes, the truth is all you need. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I gotta go make some supper. Got a hankerin’ for some fried chicken. And maybe some biscuits too. Yep, that sounds just about right.
Tags: [Baseball Parks, USA, Map, Stadiums, MLB, Travel, Sports, Directions, Locations, Major League Baseball]