Alright, so you wanna know about this Alexandra Patton Riley, huh? Let me tell ya, I ain’t no fancy writer or nothin’, but I’ll tell ya what I know. This girl, she’s hitched to this fella, Davis Riley. He’s one of them golf-playing fellas, you know, the ones hittin’ little balls with sticks? Seems like a good enough young man, makes a decent livin’ I reckon.

Alexandra and Davis: The Early Days
Now, these two lovebirds, they met way back when, at somethin’ called the University of Alabama. Big school, I hear. Don’t know much about it myself, never been to one of them fancy colleges. Anyways, they met there and, well, they started courtin’, I guess you’d call it. Five years they were courtin’, can you believe that? Kids these days, they sure do things different. Back in my day, you met someone, you got hitched, and that was that. No fuss, no muss.
These two, they seem happy enough though. Been together a while now, supportin’ each other. That’s important, ya know? Marriage ain’t always easy. You gotta have someone who’s got your back, through thick and thin. And it sounds like Alexandra, she’s got Davis’s back alright.
Davis Riley: The Golf-Playing Fella
Davis, he’s a pretty good golfer, they say. One of them PGA fellas. Wins some tournaments, makes some money. I don’t follow that golf stuff much myself, seems kinda silly to me, chasin’ a little ball around all day. But hey, if it pays the bills, who am I to judge? They say he’s real good, one of the best in the college before he even went pro. That musta made his folks mighty proud. He even won a big game at some place called Colonial, right after his sister had a scare with some tumor thing. Family’s important, y’know. Glad his sister got better.

- Davis Riley is a professional golfer.
- He went to the University of Alabama.
- He has a sister named Caroline.
- His folks are named David and Kim Riley.
Alexandra’s Support
Alexandra, she’s there for him, cheerin’ him on. That’s what a good wife does, I reckon. Stands by her man, supports his dreams. It ain’t always easy being married to someone who travels all over the place, playin’ that golf game. But she seems to handle it alright. She’s a strong woman, you can tell. Gotta be, to put up with a fella chasin’ that little white ball all the time!
What We Know ‘Bout Alexandra
Now, they don’t say a whole heap about Alexandra herself, do they? She ain’t the one out there hittin’ golf balls, I guess. But she’s important, just the same. She’s the support system, the rock. Every good man needs a good woman behind him, that’s what my mama always said. And from what I can tell, Alexandra is a good woman. They say she’s somethin’ called a sports author, but I ain’t quite sure what that means. Writes about sports, I guess? Seems like a smart gal, she does. And she’s only 27 years old. Young thing, still got her whole life ahead of her. Born in April, the 21st. Spring chicken, just like I used to be.
Final Thoughts

So, there ya have it. That’s all I know about Alexandra Patton Riley. She’s a young woman, married to a golf-playing fella, and she stands by him. Seems like a good life, I reckon. Wish ‘em both the best, I do. Hope they have a long and happy marriage, filled with lots of love and laughter. And maybe a few more golf trophies, too, for Davis’s sake.
More Things I Heard Tell
I also heard tell that Davis, he won this big ol’ tournament, his first one, and Alexandra was right there with him. That musta been somethin’ special. See, that’s what it’s all about, sharin’ the good times and the bad. They seem like a good match, those two. He plays the golf, she writes the stories, and they both love each other. Can’t ask for much more than that, can ya?
Anyways, that’s all I got for ya. Hope it was helpful. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I gotta go check on my chickens. Them birds need feedin’, ya know.
Tags: [Alexandra Patton, Davis Riley, PGA Tour, Golf, University of Alabama, Sports Author, Marriage, Golfer, Support, Wife]