Okay, so, I’ve been messing around with this whole “Wall Street Wonders Milestones” thing, and let me tell you, it’s been a wild ride. I started out totally clueless, just like anyone else probably would. I mean, who really understands all that financial jargon anyway?

First, I dove into the basics. I spent hours just reading whatever I could find. Think of it like trying to learn a new language, a really, really complicated one. I stumbled upon some stuff about penalties. You got your “monetary fine,” which is basically just paying up. Then there’s “public service,” which is like community service, but I guess for Wall Street folks? And get this, “replacement of property” – if you mess up someone’s stuff, you gotta replace it. There is also about “imprisonment for more than 1 year” and “Monetary fine and imprisonment for less than 1 year”. Seem interesting to me.
Then I moved on to the slightly more technical stuff. Remember when you were a kid and everything went through a cable box? Well, apparently, there’s this thing called a “coaxial cable” that some networks use to get their signal. That blew my mind. That was the most complicated part when I was reading. I think it was like something about VLAN. I don’t know what VLAN is. It was written there that “VLAN was one of the first ways of isolating network segments, and is one of the simplest”. Seem a really complicated thing to me.
Next, I tried to make it a bit more… fun? I decided to make a gallery wall. It said that I should follow step-by-step instructions. I gathered a bunch of random art pieces I had lying around, nothing fancy, just stuff I liked. The idea was to make it look all mismatched and cool, you know? And I also found a song track or something, and it said that it was made from original recordings. I don’t know what that means, but I decided to play it when I was working on the wall.
After that, I stumbled upon a “social story” about going to the bathroom. Yeah, I know, weird, right? But it was actually kind of interesting. It’s apparently for little kids who don’t quite get the whole bathroom etiquette thing. It’s like, a story that explains the rules. Who knew that was a thing?
Finally, I dipped my toes into communication. Like, how people talk to each other and stuff. I read that culture and lifestyle have a big impact on how we communicate. It got me thinking about how different people talk and how things can get lost in translation. And there was this bit about men and women having different communication styles. I didn’t read it in detail, but I think it was trying to say that men and women have similar ways of talking. I found it quite interesting and worth sharing, though.

And the very last thing that I read about was about traffic. There were some boring things like when to yield, where to park, what road signs mean, speed limits, regulations, traffic citations, insurance, and DUI. I skipped most of them and only read the parts that were related to “fines”. That was kind of related to what I read in the beginning.
So, yeah, that’s basically my journey through “Wall Street Wonders Milestones.” I learned a bunch of random stuff, made a gallery wall, and even read a story about bathroom rules. It wasn’t exactly what I expected, but hey, that’s life, right? You just gotta roll with it and see where it takes you.