That Patrick Cantlay, I tell ya, he’s a golfer, you know. A big shot one. And his caddie, the fella that carries his clubs, well, something terrible happened to him. Something real bad.

This caddie fella, his name was Chris Roth. Good friend to Patrick, they was. Like two peas in a pod. Went to school together, carried them clubs for him, always together. They were in Newport Beach. Fancy place, I hear. Not like around here.
They was just walking, you know. Like you and me would walk to the market. Crossing the street, just like that. And then, BAM! A car comes outta nowhere. Hits poor Chris. Just like that, didn’t even stop! Hit-and-run, they call it. Can you believe it? Just drove off, left him there.
Poor Patrick, he musta been heartbroken. His best friend, just gone. Patrick Cantlay Caddie Accident, that’s what they’re calling it. Makes me sick to my stomach. All over the news. They say that’s why he didn’t wear the hat, some fuss about money or something. Don’t know about all that. Alls I know is that a good boy got hurt, and it ain’t right.
This kinda thing, it just, it shakes ya up. You think you’re safe, just walking down the street, and then, boom. Life changes just like that. Makes you think, don’t it? Makes you wanna hold your loved ones close.
This Patrick Cantlay Caddie Accident is all everybody is talking about. How could this happen? That poor boy. You see them golfers on TV, all smiles, making lots of money, and you never think about these things.

I heard they was real close, Patrick and Chris. Like brothers, almost. Imagine losing someone like that. Someone you grew up with, someone you work with every day. It’s just not right. And that driver, just driving off. No heart, I tell ya. No heart at all. This kind of thing is a real Golf tragedy.
They say Patrick, he’s a good golfer. One of the best. But this, this is gonna be hard to get over. Losing a friend like that, it changes you. It happened in Newport Beach, they say. Heard it was a nice place. Don’t know much about it. But this is just sad, real sad.
I hope they catch that driver. Hope they bring him to justice. Won’t bring Chris back, but it’s something. It’s just something. These fancy folks with their fancy cars, they think they can do anything. Well, they can’t. They gotta pay for what they done. This Patrick Cantlay Caddie Accident just ain’t right. Ain’t right at all.
- They was in Newport Beach.
- Chris Roth, that was the caddie’s name.
- Hit-and-run, they called it.
- Patrick and Chris was real close, like brothers.
This whole thing, it’s just a mess. A darn mess. Makes you wonder about things, you know? Makes you appreciate what you got. ‘Cause you never know when it’s gonna be taken away. Just like that. One minute you’re crossing the street, the next… It’s just not fair. That Patrick Cantlay Caddie Accident, it’s a tragedy, through and through. That poor boy, Chris. And poor Patrick, having to see that. I just can’t imagine.
I tell ya, this world, sometimes it just ain’t right. You hear about these things on the news, but when it’s someone you kinda know, like a golfer you see on TV, it hits different. It makes it real. This Golf world, it ain’t all sunshine and rainbows. This is proof of it. That driver, he needs to be found. They need to lock him up and throw away the key.

I don’t know much about this Golf stuff. But I know about losing someone. And it’s the worst feeling in the world. You just feel empty, you know? Like a part of you is missing. And it never really comes back. You just learn to live with it. But that don’t make it any easier. The Patrick Cantlay Caddie Accident just makes you feel that ache in your heart all over again.
This whole thing makes me wanna hug my grandkids a little tighter. You just never know, you know? You just never know. I hope Patrick, I hope he’s got good people around him. He’s gonna need it. This ain’t something you get over easy. This is something that stays with you, for a long, long time. A real tragedy, that’s what it is. A real tragedy in that Newport Beach. That boy, Chris, he didn’t deserve that. No one does.