Alright, alright, let’s gab a bit about this Natalya, Natalya, whoever she is. Seems like a big deal, this one. Heard folks chatterin’ ’bout her, so I figured I’d string together some words, you know, like you asked.

So, this Natalya, she’s a wrassler, a lady wrassler, they call it “professional” these days. Fancy, huh? Wrasslin’ runs in her blood, they say. Her daddy was one too, and his daddy before him, somethin’ like that. Generations, they call it. Like my grandma’s quilt, passed down and patched up, only this is wrasslin’, not sewin’.
She’s been at it for a long spell, this Natalya. Started way back in 2008, maybe even before. That’s a heap of years, more than my old rooster’s been crowin’, that’s for sure. She teamed up with some other gals, Victoria, Wilson, Smith… names, names, hard to keep ’em all straight. They called themselves The Hart Dynasty. Dynasty, sounds like somethin’ out of a history book, but I guess it’s just wrasslin’ talk.
- She won some belts, too. A Divas Championship, they called one. Divas, what a name. Sounds like a bunch of spoiled hens.
- Then she got another one, a SmackDown Women’s Championship. SmackDown, that sounds more like what happens when my prize-winning pumpkin gets dropped, not wrasslin’.
This Natalya, she ain’t just punchin’ and kickin’ though. She went and visited some other wrasslers, over in Japan, they say. Place called Stardom. Sounds like a fancy movie theater, but it’s wrasslin’, always wrasslin’. She was real honored to go, they said. Honor, that’s important. Like holdin’ the door for the preacher, or bringin’ a casserole to a sick neighbor.
Seems she liked them Japanese wrasslers, even wanted to wrestle one. Had her eye on one in particular, called her a “dream opponent”. Dream opponent, that’s a new one. Back in my day, your opponent was whoever showed up, dream or no dream. You just wrestled ’em.
Now, this Natalya, she ain’t just wrasslin’ and dreamin’. She’s got a fella, too. Tyson Kidd, they call him, though that ain’t his real name, seems like. Lives with him down in Florida, Westchase to be exact. Florida, that’s where all them fancy folks go, with their oranges and their sunshine. Bet she eats a lot of oranges down there. And they say she keeps a food journal, writin’ down everything she eats. Imagine that, writin’ down every bite! I barely remember what I ate for breakfast, let alone writin’ it down. Guess that’s how she keeps in shape for all that wrasslin’.

People write articles about her, this Natalya. They talk about her life, her wrasslin’, even her food journal. They say her story is “unique and inspiring.” Well, I guess so. Wrasslin’ ain’t for the faint of heart, that’s for sure. Takes a tough cookie to get in that ring and get thrown around.
And this Stardom place, seems like a big deal too. Natalya went there for somethin’ called “American Dream 2024”. Sounds like a big to-do. They even took pictures of her with the big boss man, Taro Okada. Big boss man, every place has one of those. Keeps things runnin’, I suppose.
So, that’s the story, as best as I can tell it. Natalya Natalya, the wrassler gal from a wrasslin’ family. Wins belts, visits Japan, keeps a food journal. Sounds like a busy life, busier than mine, that’s for certain. But hey, to each their own. If she likes wrasslin’, then good for her. Me? I’ll stick to my gardenin’ and my quiltin’. Less punchin’, more peaceful.
And that, as they say, is all she wrote. Or all I said, anyway. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I gotta go feed them chickens.