Well, let me tell you somethin’ about this Prichard Colon fella. Folks been talkin’ about him, you know? Prichard Colon 2024, that’s what they’re sayin’. He’s a fighter, that one, a boxer, used to be real good.

Now, somethin’ bad happened to him, real bad. He got hurt in the ring, you see. Bled in his brain, they say. Can you believe it? A young fella like that, all strong and healthy, and then somethin’ like this happens. It ain’t right, I tell ya, it just ain’t right.
- They say he had a “bleed on the brain.” Sounds scary, don’t it?
- And somethin’ called a “subdural hematoma.” Don’t ask me what that means, sounds like doctor talk.
- All I know is, it messed him up somethin’ fierce.
This happened a while back, but folks still wonderin’ about him. Wantin’ to know how he’s doin’. His mama, Nieves, she’s a strong woman, bless her heart. She keeps folks updated. She posts videos of him, you know, so people can see. It’s tough, real tough, seein’ him like that.
He used to be so lively, they say. Sixteen wins, only one loss, that’s what his record was. A real champ in the makin’. And he loved his mama, real sweet to her. Now, he can’t even walk on his own, poor fella. Can’t talk proper neither. They say he’s gettin’ therapy, tryin’ to get better. But it’s slow, real slow. As of 2024, they sayin’ he still ain’t talkin’ right, can’t walk on his own.
He’s got what they call “physical and neurological impairments.” Sounds fancy, but what it means is he can’t move right and his brain ain’t workin’ like it should. He was in a bad way for a long time, they say. Couldn’t even wake up, like he was sleepin’ forever. But he’s a fighter, like I said. He woke up eventually.
He was in the hospital for a long spell, then they let him go home. Now he’s gettin’ all this therapy. Tryin’ to learn how to talk again, how to move again. It’s a long road, a real long road. They say he can talk a little bit now, usin’ a computer. Can you imagine? Hav in’ to use a machine to talk. It breaks your heart, it really does.

This Prichard Colon, he’s from Florida, Maitland, Florida. A good boy, from what I hear. Didn’t deserve this, not one bit. But life ain’t fair, is it? It throws you curveballs when you least expect it. And this here, this was a real mean curveball.
So, when you hear about Prichard Colon 2024, you remember this. Remember he’s fightin’ a different kind of fight now. Not in the ring, but in his own body, in his own mind. And he needs all the prayers he can get. His mama, too. She’s fightin’ right alongside him, bless her heart.
It ain’t just about boxing no more. It’s about gettin’ better, about tryin’ to live a life after somethin’ terrible happened. It’s about hopin’ and prayin’ and never givin’ up. That’s what Prichard Colon is doin’ now, and that’s what we should all remember.
So, when you think about him, send a little prayer his way. He needs it. His mama needs it. And maybe, just maybe, he’ll surprise us all. Maybe he’ll keep fightin’ and get better. That’s what we all hope for, ain’t it? That’s the story of Prichard Colon 2024, a fighter, a son, and a reminder that life can change in a blink of an eye.
And remember, health is important, this boy was healthy as a horse, and then look what happened. So you gotta take care of yourself, you hear? Eat your vegetables, get some sunshine, and be grateful for what you got. Cause you never know what tomorrow might bring.

Folks are lookin’ for updates on his health, wantin’ to know if he’s gettin’ better. It’s a long journey, and it ain’t over yet. Prichard Colon’s story is a sad one, but it’s also a story of strength, and love, and never giving up hope. And that’s somethin’ worth rememberin’, ain’t it?