Well, let me tell ya somethin’, if you’ve ever gotten stuck on the crossword in that New York Times, you know just how frustrating it can be. Now, I ain’t a fancy scholar or nothin’, but I’ve spent plenty of time sittin’ at the kitchen table with a cup of tea, tryin’ to figure out them clues. One clue that pops up more than once is “Complain” – and trust me, that one can drive ya up the wall if ya don’t know what to look for.

So, first thing’s first, let me tell ya, when you see “Complain” in that New York Times crossword, you gotta think simple, real simple. It don’t always mean somethin’ all fancy like “whine” or “grumble” like some people might expect. No, sometimes it’s just a word that’ll fit into them little squares, and ya gotta be clever with it.
Now, one of the answers I’ve seen pop up more than once for “Complain” in the NYT crossword is “bemoan.” Ain’t that somethin’? You wouldn’t think of it right off the bat, but that’s the word! It’s like when you’re sittin’ around and sayin’ how hard life is, or complainin’ ‘bout the weather. You’re bemoanin’ things, right? Makes sense if you think about it!
Sometimes, they also go with the word “lament,” especially if they got more letters to fill up. That’s when you’re feelin’ real sorry for yourself, complainin’ about every little thing that don’t go right. If you’ve ever had one of them days where nothin’ seems to go your way, well, that’s when you’d be lamentin’ the whole dang thing!
There was even one time I saw them use “grumble.” I remember my old neighbor, old Mr. Jenkins, he’d sit on his porch every morning and just grumble ‘bout somethin’ or other. Didn’t matter what it was – the mailman, the weather, his shoes not fit right – he’d just grumble all day long. So, if you ever see “grumble” in one of them crossword puzzles, just know it’s a perfect fit for complainin’ in that old-fashioned way.
Now, let’s talk about that “Complains, complains, complains” clue. Oh boy, that one can make ya scratch your head! I’ve seen that one pop up in the September and November crosswords, and it’s always a tricky one. But if you’ve been around a bit, you might guess “whines.” That’s another one that fits like a glove when they’re lookin’ for a word that means complainin’ but in a kinda whiny way. You know, when someone keeps goin’ on and on ‘bout somethin’, not lettin’ it go, always wantin’ to talk about their woes? That’s whinin’, no doubt ‘bout it.

And, ya know, sometimes they make it even harder, especially in them bigger puzzles. They’ll ask for a phrase like “complain about” – and for that, “bitch” might just pop up. Not the nicest word, but hey, it works for the clue. Ain’t no shame in callin’ it what it is, especially when it’s all filled in and you finally see it clear as day. You’ll be sittin’ there smilin’, thinkin’ you beat the crossword this time!
Now, sometimes, they throw a real curveball. I’ve seen clues like “complaint,” and folks might get all mixed up tryin’ to figure out which word it wants. Well, one of the words that’ll show up for that is “grievance.” Ain’t nobody happy when they got a grievance, that’s for sure! It’s a big word, but don’t let it scare ya – it’s just another way of sayin’ you got somethin’ to complain about, just wrapped up a little fancier. It’s like when someone’s upset ‘bout somethin’ big – they’ll file a grievance instead of just complainin’ to their neighbor.
All I’m sayin’ is, if you’re sittin’ there and you get one of them “complain” clues on the NYT crossword, don’t sweat it. You don’t need a dictionary or a thesaurus to figure it out. Just think simple. Think ‘bout all the ways you’ve heard folks complainin’ over the years. Whether it’s grumblin’, whinin’, or bemoanin’, there’s always a word that’ll fit right in. And before you know it, you’ll be fillin’ up that puzzle like a pro!
So next time you get a “Complain” clue, just remember: Keep it simple, keep it clever, and you’ll get it done!
Tags:[NYT Crossword, Complains Clue, Crossword Puzzle, Complain, Crossword Answers, Bemoan, Grumble, Lament, Whine, Bitch, Grievance, Word Puzzle]