Alright, so listen up, y’all. Folks are talkin’ ‘bout this Joe Rogan fella, and they ain’t too happy, you hear? Now, I ain’t no fancy talkin’ person, but I can tell ya, people got their reasons for bein’ mad.

First off, this fella, he talks a whole lot. And sometimes, what he says, it just ain’t right. Heard tell he used some bad words, real bad words, like that “N” word. Now, I don’t care who you are, that ain’t somethin’ you go around sayin’. It hurts folks, deep down, you know? He done said sorry, but some folks, they ain’t forgettin’ so easy. And that’s understandable, ain’t it? Words can cut deeper than any knife.
Then there’s this COVID stuff. He’s got this show, see? And he talks about all sorts of things on it. But when it comes to that sickness, well, some say he’s spreadin’ wrong information. Said it ain’t so bad, or maybe this or that cure works. Now, I ain’t no doctor, but I know when somethin’ ain’t right. And folks gettin’ sick, real sick, they don’t need to be hearin’ things that ain’t true. It’s dangerous, plain and simple. You can’t just go around sayin’ whatever pops into your head, especially when it comes to folks’ health. That’s just common sense, right?
And this Spotify company, they give him a whole lotta money to do his show. Big money, I hear. But now folks are sayin’ they oughta stop him, take away his microphone, so to speak. They say he’s spreadin’ hate and lies, and that ain’t right. Some folks call it “censorship,” but others say it’s just plain responsible. If someone’s yellin’ fire in a crowded theater, you gonna let ‘em keep yellin’, even if there ain’t no fire? I don’t think so.
- He said the “N” word, a lot, and that ain’t okay.
- He talked about COVID, and some say he was wrong and spreadin’ lies.
- People want Spotify to stop him, but others say that ain’t fair.
Now, I heard tell this fella ain’t so dumb. Took some test and got a good score, whatever that means. And he talks about all sorts of things, politics and spirits and whatnot. Says he ain’t religious, but he believes in somethin’. And he don’t pay folks to come on his show, which I guess is good. But none of that changes the fact that he said some bad things and maybe did some harm. You can be smart as a whip, but if you ain’t got no sense, well, what good is it?
So, why do people hate Joe Rogan? Well, it ain’t so hard to figure out. He hurt folks with his words. He mighta made folks sick with his talk. And he’s got a big platform, a big voice, and some say he’s usin’ it the wrong way. Now, I ain’t sayin’ he’s a bad person, I don’t know him from Adam. But I do know that folks got a right to be mad when they feel wronged. And it seems like a whole lotta folks feel wronged by Joe Rogan. And that’s the long and short of it, as far as I can tell. It’s about respect, see? And when you lose that, you got a whole lot of trouble on your hands.

At the end of the day, it’s all a big mess. Folks are angry, and they want somethin’ to be done. And Joe Rogan, well, he’s gotta figure out what to do next. Maybe he can learn from his mistakes, maybe he can’t. But one thing’s for sure, people ain’t gonna forget what he said and done anytime soon. And that’s just the way it is.
Tags: [Joe Rogan, Joe Rogan Controversy, Podcast, Spotify, Censorship, Misinformation, Racism, COVID-19, N-word, Apology]