Alright, let’s talk ’bout them ground-type Pokemons in Johto, ya know? I ain’t no fancy trainer or nothin’, but I know a thing or two ’bout these critters.

First off, we gotta talk ’bout that big ol’ Steelix. They say it’s the toughest Pokemon around, defense-wise. He’s like a giant metal snake, real strong and sturdy. You ain’t gonna knock him down easy, that’s for sure. And he’s got that Steel and Ground mix, makes him extra tough. Can’t go wrong with a Steelix if you ask me.
Then there’s that Donphan fella. He’s like a big, armored elephant, tough as nails. Evolves from that cute little Phanpy, but don’t let that fool ya. Donphan can pack a punch and take a hit, that’s for sure. He’s pure Ground, so he’s good against Electric types and such. Useful little fella to have around.
Now, some folks like that Quagsire. He’s a Water and Ground type, which is kinda weird, but it works. He ain’t fast, not one bit, but he’s sturdy. And that Water/Ground thing, they say it’s the best combo. Before all them fancy new Pokemons, there was Quagsire. He’s been around a while, that one.
- Steelix: Big, tough, metal snake. Best defense.
- Donphan: Armored elephant. Strong and sturdy. Pure Ground.
- Quagsire: Slow but sturdy. Water/Ground combo, which some say is the best.
You can find these Ground-types all over Johto, if you know where to look. Ain’t gonna tell ya exactly where, ’cause that’s half the fun, right? Gotta go out there and explore, find ’em yourself. But they’re out there, trust me.
And let me tell ya, these Ground-types are real useful. That Whitney gal with her Miltank, she’s tough. But you can use that Defense Curl and Rollout trick, or use a Sandslash with Dig. Works like a charm. And that Jasmine with her Steel-types? Dig’ll take care of ’em too. Even those Elite Four folks, some of their Pokemons are weak to Ground. So having a good Ground-type on your team, that’s smart.

Now, I ain’t sayin’ these are the only Ground-types worth catchin’. There’s others, like Nidoking and Nidoqueen, they’re pretty good too. But Steelix, Donphan, and Quagsire, they’re some of the best, that’s for sure. Especially if you’re just starting out in Johto, these guys can really help you get through the tough spots.
Some folks go on and on about Electric types and all that, but Ground-types, they’re the real workhorses. They’re reliable, they’re tough, and they can handle a lot of different opponents. And that’s what you need in a Pokemon, ain’t it? Someone you can count on.
So, if you’re headin’ to Johto, keep an eye out for these Ground-types. They’ll be a big help on your journey, trust me. They ain’t flashy, but they get the job done. And sometimes, that’s all you need.
And don’t forget, trainin’ ‘em up right is important too. Gotta teach ‘em the right moves, make sure they’re strong enough to take on whatever comes their way. But that’s a whole ‘nother story, ain’t it?
Anyways, that’s my two cents on them Ground-type Pokemons in Johto. Hope it helps ya out some. Now go on and catch yourself a good one!

Tags: [Johto, Ground-type Pokemon, Steelix, Donphan, Quagsire, Pokemon Strategy, Pokemon Guide, Johto Region]