Alright, so, let’s talk about this Kelley Cahill gal. Seems like a real interesting woman, this one. First off, she’s from Oregon, born and raised there, I reckon. Lake Oswego, they say. Pretty place, I hear, though I ain’t never been. Now, she weren’t just sittin’ around, no sir. This Kelley, she was into sports, big time. At that Arizona State University, where she met her fella, Jon Rahm, she was throwin’ that javelin thing. You know, that long stick they throw in the Olympics? Yeah, that one. She was good at it too, seems like. And tennis! Played that too, in high school and all. This girl, she liked to keep busy.

So, she meets this Jon Rahm fella, a golfer, they say. A good one too, from what I hear. They hit it off, them college kids. Started datin’ way back in 2016, the internet tells me. He even put her picture on that “Insta-gram” thing, sayin’ somethin’ about the Super Bowl. Young folks and their gadgets, I tell ya. Anyway, they seemed real happy together in that picture. He was smilin’, she was smilin’. Young love, I guess.
Then, in 2018, Jon, he pops the question. Gets down on one knee and asks Kelley to marry him. He even designed the ring himself, can you believe it? Said he knew what he wanted. A real romantic, this golfer fella. And Kelley, she said yes, of course. They got hitched in Spain, where Jon’s from, in December of 2019. A church wedding, real traditional like. The kind my grandma woulda liked. In Bilbao, they say. Pretty place, I bet. All fancy and such.
Now, they got themselves a whole passel of kids! Three of ‘em, last I heard. Two little boys, Kepa and Eneko, and just recently, a little girl named Alaia. Can you imagine? Three young’uns! That Kelley’s got her hands full, I bet. But she seems like the type who can handle it. A strong woman, that one. Used to throwin’ things, remember? Probably good at wranglin’ those kids too.
Jon, he’s still golfin’, of course. That’s his job, I reckon. Travelin’ all over the world, hittin’ that little white ball. And Kelley, she’s there with him, supportin’ him, takin’ care of them babies. She’s a momma now, a wife. But I bet she still got that fire in her, that competitive spirit. Maybe she even teaches those kids how to throw a javelin, huh? Wouldn’t that be somethin’?
- Born in Oregon, Lake Oswego
- Went to Arizona State University
- Played javelin and tennis
- Married Jon Rahm in 2019
- Has three children: Kepa, Eneko, and Alaia
So that’s the story of Kelley Cahill, as far as I can tell. A sporty girl from Oregon who married a golfer and became a momma. Sounds like a good life, a busy life. And she seems happy, from what I see in them pictures. And that’s all that matters, ain’t it? Being happy and havin’ a family to love.

And you know, this Kelley, she ain’t just some pretty face either. She had her own thing going on before she met Jon. She was a writer, you see. Worked for some fancy magazines and TV shows. Elle, HGTV, Backstage… Big names, them. This girl, she’s got brains and brawn. I tell you, she’s somethin’ special.
Now, I don’t know her personally, mind you. But from what I’ve read and seen, she’s a good woman. A hard worker, a lovin’ wife and momma. And that’s somethin’ to be admired, I reckon. In this world, it’s good to see folks doin’ well, raisin’ good families, and makin’ somethin’ of themselves. And Kelley Cahill, she seems to be doin’ just that. Good for her, I say. Good for her.
Tags: [Kelley Cahill, Jon Rahm, Oregon, Arizona State University, Javelin, Tennis, Marriage, Children, Family, Sports, Golfer, Wife, Mother, Alaia Rahm, Kepa Rahm, Eneko Rahm]